SCAREBROW is a square lipped crankbait that has agitator
on its forehead.
It was developed to make sharp irregular motion
“Kick-motion” apurpose.
Its action has rolling and high frequency wobbling, and it swims vigorously though its body is small.
If you put on speed slightly while you are reeling it slowly or
medium-speed, the agitator will break the balance and
create the irregular motion.
This is the most characteristic function of SCAREBROW.
Therefore, you can make the irregular motion whenever you want without hitting any structures, so you will be able to make
subvital bass bite it.
And also, it runs straight and makes the irregular motion randomly during high-speed retrieve, so it suitable for a search bait in a vast fishing area.
In addition, you can use it with normal medium action bait casting rod.
Please enjoy this new standard shallow crankbait “SCAREBROW”
in your field.