Length:56mm Weight:10.5g
Breaking a usual common sense of crankbait, amazing CHIDORI Action,
Drunken bats “WADDLE BATS” |
Crank bait having irregular orbit CHIDORI Action
The crankbait with the world first mechanism which makes CHIDORI Action, “Rotating CHIDORI Flap (PAT.P)”
WADDLE BATS creates unexpected irregular orbit “CHIDORI Action” randomly like a BATS while you just retrieving with straight-swimability by “CHIDORI Flap” developed by IMAKATSU.
By making hard bait irregular action without
By making spontaneous change without an artificial operation like contacting a structure on the hard bait, the action creates extreme trigger of a bite even bass being in neutral condition.
Therefore, WADDLE BATS works well in the situation of cranking at mid-range without any structure or shallow-cranking just under grass area. |

Straight retrieving 】
Do not make fast and slow retrieving, you just retrieve at a constant speed.
WADDLE BATS creates unexpected irregular dart motion “CHIDORI Action” randomly while you just retrieving
with straight-swimability by “CHIDORI Flap”
Depending on retrieving speed, the frequency of CHIDORI Action
is changed.
So, retrieving speed shall be changed in accordance
with the field situation to find out the best.
The point is to make constant speed in retrieve and get CHIDRI Action automatically without an artificial operation.
【 Just under surface, it’s most recommendable style 】
Firstly try to retrieve WADDLE BATS slowly without CHIDORI Action in a visible depth like a normal crankbait.
In case that WADDLE BATS is going to go deeper, you keep rod in vertical and keep WADDLE BATS in visible depth.
When WADDLE BATS goes through structure where you expect fish, you should retrieve faster one to two rotations in reeling.
At the moment, if CHIDORI Action is made at the structure, it is the action we want.
After going through the structure, back to normal retrieving just under surface again.
The point is not to make too much CHIDORI Action, to make the action just at the point you want by change of reeling speed.
This technic works well especially at vertical structure and/or weed edge in the after spawning season.
We recommend reels with high gear like 1:7 for this technic.

Waddle Blade System (PAT.P)
Waddle Blade System is that the waddle blade rolls naturally, receive the water pressure like a lip and break the balance.
Tiny blade rolls half round to one round randomly at the base of the rear hook.
When the blade comes in front, it receives the water pressure and breaks the balance and then creates CHIDORI motion.
But the blade will keep rolling and relieve the water pressure right after CHIDORI motion, so the lure recovers the balance right away.
This means it will get back to the normal motion right after CHIDORI motion. |
Hooks tangle solve by casting action WADDLE BATS equips bigger hooks on its small body.
So, it would be easy to have hooks tangle.
But, the length between hooks is designed in shorter, and it enable to solve hooks tangle easily by casting action. |
Tail hole In case that
You can see a hole at the end of body tail.
In case heaton screw is loose, it can be fixed by inserting instant glue from the hole. The best length of heaton screw is 8mm from the end of heaton screw to body. |
Fur Coat Raised painting on WADDLE BATS.
Cute looking has a practical use.
Hairs on its body catch water and give stability to its violent movement.
Raised painting makes water resistance and avoid to come out from the water at high speed retrieving.
And also the scratch sounds from hooks and sprit rings decrease due to the raised painting. |


#19 Bone |

#36 Blue Back Chart |

#81 Black Back Chart |

#117 Silver Shiner |

#127 Hiviz' Alumina AYU |

#129 Hiviz' Alumina HASU |


#219 SYOGIN Crystal |

#239 DOCHART |


#243 Lemonade |

#244 Hiviz' Ghost AYU |

#245 Black Bats |

#246 Japanese Water Beetle Chart |

#247 Silver AYU |

#249 Baby Boar |

#250 Golden Bats |

#251 KASUMI Bats |

#252 Silver Bats |

#259 Matt Lemonade |

#260 Mercury Rouge |

#261 American Blue Shad |

#262 Fire Orange |

#271 Moon Bats |

#281 Matt Lemonade(Devil Rabit) |

#282 ICHIGO MILK(Devil Rabit) |

#283 American Blue Shad(Devil Rabit) |


#318 Chart AYU |

#320 Matt AYU |


#293 Waddle Rats(Brown Rat) |

#294 Waddle Rats(Pink Field Mouse) |

#295 Waddle Rats(White Field Mouse) |

#304 Waddle Rats(Mouse) |

#305 Chipmunk

#348 TONOSAMA Frog |

#349 Albino Brown Frog |

#350 Bull Frog |

#591 Anaconda |

#592 Albino TONOSAMA Frog |

#593 Holstein |

Recommendable Tackle |
Rod: |
6〜6.6ft Medium Light 〜 Medium action casting
rods |
Line: |
Fluorocarbon fishing line 10〜13lb, Nylon fishing line 10〜14lb |
* |
We are paying extra attention to deliver our products in its effective setups as IMAKATSU Brand.
However, if retrieving is not in straight, please tune up the eye positions of your lure. |
* |
Do not hit your lure on the ground or any
to take out some of the weeds or other remains from the
when you might damage or give serious crack on the lure. |
* |
To avoid any deformation, please refrain
storing fishing lures from other soft plastic lures. |

Please be extra careful in sharp hook
or items within this product.
Keep out of reach of children.
Do not use the lure for any other purpose or use.
Please be careful while you're using the lure.
Please do not pull your rod if your lure is hooked to any object. |
